
Selasa, 28 Maret 2017


Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#



1.      Equal Comparisons

(+ )  Jeff Smith is as Handsome as Marcel Chandrawinata
( - )  Jeff Smith is not as Handsome as Marcel Chandrawinata
(? )  Does Jeff Smith as Handsome as Marcel Chandrawinta ?  

(+)  Jeff Smith Acting as Professional as Marcel Chandrawinata
(- )  Jeff Smith Acting not as Professional as Marcel Chandrawinata
(? ) Does Jeff Smith Acting as Professional as Marcel Chandrawinata?

2.      Unqual Comparisons

(+)  Marcel Chandrawinata is more Successful than Jeff Smith
(+)  Marcel Chandrawinata speaks germany more Fluetly than Jeff Smith
(- )  Jeff Smith is not more Successful than Marcel Chandrawinta

3.      Double Comperative
·         The more Jeff Smith worked, the easily he can be success
·         The more Marcel exercises, the fast he can lose weight
·       The higher the rice price is, the more miserable the cina people are

4.        Superlatives
·         USA is the most famous technology in the world
·         This is the most inspire experience I have ever had
·         Jeff is the most handsome boy in the whole school